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Daily Activity Final ( Engglish Version )

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

          Previously I've told you about our event that we were held on Thursday, December 5, 2019 at Balairung I Wayan Bendhi Poltekpar Makassar. In prepared the Celebes Traditional Culinary Fest event, we arranged the organitation structure to determined the supervisor who would handled all things of the event. Two days before event was held we were more focused to prepared the packagings, hall decorations, trial products, etc. The decoration processed we did for two days to got the maximum results. And this time I was given responsibility as a product supervisor. Therefore, I oversee every food that we set up to keep it running smoothly and also direct my friends to pay attention to all the food they handle.
          And on Wednesday we were focused in the kitchen to made all kind of products. Oh ya, in this event we devided the menus into 3 categories, such as Blue Code for Snack, likes Roti Maros, Barongko, Lopis, Klappertart, Cantik Manis, Onde-Onde Wijen, Tetu, Banana Ball, Choux, Lumpia, Songkolo, Crepes, and Pawa Asin. Next was White Code for Drink, likes Pearl Brown Sugar, Es Teler, Es Pisang Ijo, and Ice Cream Goreng. And the last was Red Code for Main Course, likes Konro Bakar, Sushi, Pizza, Udon, and Kebab. Although there were several modern menus, we stilled given the typical taste of Sulawesi or commonly known as Fushion Food. and my team hendle Cantik Manis and Es cream goreng.
After that, we brought the necessary tools to the hall together, and checked again if there were stilled things needed for our event.
           On Thursday we were came early, it was 04.00 to finished all products. Next, we brought all products to the hall for set up in each determined stall. And at 10.00 our event was began with activities report from committee leader and opening speech from Pudir II. After that, all visitors were welcomed to enjoyed the foods
            Fyi, the foods were taked by exchanged the ticket based with the colors listed. So every person had 1 Red Code, 1 White Code, and 2 Blue Code. Besides that, we also provided the Chocolate Fountain such as Watermelon, Madeleine, and Onde-Onde Ketawa, and also Coffee, Tea and Mineral Water for free. We also given the Paper Plate, Paper Glass, and free Sticker for each visitors when registration processed. And one of the interested thing of our event wasn't used the plastic to supported the Save Plastic movement.
             All visitors said that our concept was good and the taste of our menus were delicious. The results couldn't separated from our great teamwork. And not felt, today was our last practiced in the Kitchen. I just wanna say thankyou so much for all of my lecturers and my friends, I'll miss our togetherness in the Kitchen. You guys are amazing team forever. And this blog is also my last blog during my study at Poltekpar Makassar. Thanks to all my readers, see yaaa! Hehehehe!


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